Management Skills Lesson

Video Clip 1
Saturday March 21, 2020 my management skills lesson objectives is featured above made in Powtoon movie launched on YouTube as a video clip 1.  This was done to cater to the various learning styles in a lifelong learning educational blended learning environment. Using Schon (1991) reflection model.

Below is featured my Management Skills lesson plan for lifelong learners in a blended learning educational environment.

EDLM 6200
Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Name:

Ilonka Sargent- Capron
Grade Level:

College  Continuing Education - Lifelong Learner Blended Learning

March, 2020

Leadership & Management
Instructional Plan Title:
Management Skills

Lesson Summary and Focus:
The focus of this blended learning lesson is on Management skills and the various management skills used by managers within the work place. Some lifelong learners may not know their management skills and they will take a test to see what their skills strengths and weakens are and reflect on how to improve them.  The students will also be exposed to Schon reflective theory and various reflective tools.
Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:
This is a Saturday class. The blended learning lesson is for lifelong learners (ages 18 to 65). The ability range is mixed as some may be new managers, seasoned managers or aspiring to become managers from different work context. However, there are two exceptional learners who can assist other students as needed. The class size is ten students. The lesson is 135 minutes.

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
·         Discuss the purpose of Management skills, Schon reflective model (in action and on action), online discussion and quiz.
·         Discuss how to apply the model (in action and on action) in their daily practice at work
·         Discover their Management Skills based on the Management skills test using link
·         Analyze the results of their Management Skills test based on their strengths and weakens and reflect on how to improve them. Post information in a structured online wiki
·         Create an online blog using blog link, and blog post based on a scenario given.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:
List all resources, materials, equipment, and technology you and the students will use during the lesson.  Include links needed for online resources.
Models using
Schön Model (1991)  reflection on action, and in action

Equipment and Technology:  Computer, smartphone, internet

How Good Are Your Management Skills? link

blog link

Work place scenario
structured online discussions, wiki
Email Addresses
Rubrics - peer review, discussions, wiki, blog post, late work, reflective writing, equipment needed.

Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
The materials and activities I will use to open the lesson. The Bold is for any materials I will need to prepare for the lesson.

For example:
·         I will use YouTube video clip to recap the last lesson
·         I will use Powtoon to introduce the lesson objectives to engage students the topic/ discussion to describe their management skills.

Time Needed

5 minutes
Multiple Means of Representation
The materials I will use to differentiate instruction and how I will use these materials throughout the lesson to support learning.  Bold is used for any materials I will need to prepare for the lesson.

For example:
·         I will use reflective model to teach students about reflective theory and how to and how to use the model in their daily practice at work.
·         I will use video, pdf. Power point slides to present content in various ways to meet the needs of different learners.

Time Needed

20 Minutes
Multiple Means of Engagement
The activities I will engage students in to allow them to explore, practice, and apply the content are Bold  and I plan to use in the lesson. Also, include formative questioning strategies and higher order thinking questions you might pose.

·         Students will reflective on theory and how to use the model in their daily practice at work. Post in Structured Online discussion in groups of two to discuss their responses
·         Students will discover their Management Skills by taking an online test.
·         Students will analyze the results of their Management Skills test. Complete a two-paragraph reflection on their management skills based on their strengths and weakens and reflect on how to improve them. Post information in a structured online wiki
·         Students will create an online blog and blog post to demonstrate how they would reflect on the use their management based on a scenario given. blog link

Time Needed

40 Minutes
Multiple Means of Expression
Bold the names of any summative assessments. Underline the names of any formative assessments.
For example:
·         Students will complete a one-paragraph reflection on the in-class video they experienced in a wiki. They will be expected to write the reflection using complete sentences, proper capitalization and punctuation, and utilize an example from the simulation to demonstrate their understanding.
·         Students will also take part in formative assessments throughout the lesson, such as pair-share online discussions, where I will determine if I need to re-teach or re-direct learning.
·         Students will also take part in formative assessments to demonstrate their knowledge on management skills and reflective model.  For example, through an online short answer, online true or false, or online multiple-choice test.  Students will be two chances to re-take quiz.  This would offer students chances to demonstrate mastery
·         Students will demonstrate their knowledge For example, in more summative way by creating an online blog and blog post. They will be expected to write the reflection using complete sentences, proper capitalization and punctuation, and utilize an example from the simulation to demonstrate their understanding. Students will also create a Profile/Introduction Page using photos, graphics and/or video.
·         For example, students will demonstrate their knowledge in more summative way by completing a two-paragraph reflection on their management skills test in the online reflection wiki. They will be expected to write the reflection using complete sentences, proper capitalization and punctuation, and utilize an example from the simulation to demonstrate their understanding.
Time Needed
40 Minutes

Extension Activity and/or Homework
homework assignment
The student will perform a peer review by critiquing each other’s blog post and provide (post) comments.  This peer review would be a summative activity.

Time Needed
20 minutes

Lesson Plan YouTube Video Link

My lesson is for a blended learning class of lifelong learners (ages 18 to 65).  The Unit Subject is Leadership & Management. The Topic is Management Skills.  I realized that I needed to include a lesson recap of the prior lesson. Therefore, I added in an Introduction to the lesson called a recap of the last lesson with a YouTube video clip. 



  1. Hi Ilonka, this was a well thought out lesson plan. I noted that you critiqued yourself and added a recap to the lesson. This served as an introduction to your lesson. This showed reflection on action. You examined your work, saw what needed to be done and acted upon it.

  2. Hi Janine, thank you for for your comments on my blob. Critiquing myself was a tough process. Critiquing a lesson using Schon reflection model was ok.

  3. Hi Ilonka,

    A 135 minute class for an adult audience is a big challenge. Adults come with a range of issues and if I am correct in assuming that this class meets once per week then its really a good idea to include a recap of the previous lesson as it is possible that most students would have had a busy week of work and family duties in between. Adults typically have a lot of life experiences to share and this is especially so in an area like leadership and management where I expect many students would have on the job experience. I particularly like how you included multiple activities to allow students to reflect. I noted that this is a blended course and I noted the pair share activity but I was searching to clarify if the 135 minutes is online or face to face. Personally I would like to see some more collaborative activities but you did a great job of including multiple tools and varied activities.

  4. Please see your sandbox peer review for more details.

  5. Some thoughts on improvements here:

    I noted the number of activities you included and I would like to suggest that you reflect on how to include case studies in your lessons. While many of your students will have diverse experiences, some are likely to have little or no experience in the field. In addition to that it makes for whole group engagement and collaboration when the entire class reflects on a single scenario. Schwartz (2019) states:

    Case studies have been used for years by businesses, law and medical schools, physicians on rounds, and artists critiquing work. Like other forms of problem-based learning, case studies can be accessible for every age group, both in one subject and in interdisciplinary work.

    Thank you for this opportunity to review your work,


    Schwartz, L. (2019, June 4). Making Learning Relevant With Case Studies. Retrieved from https://


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